Today was WEIRD. I started uni again for the year, had to wait around until two for enrollment and generally... it was dull.
Hung out with le ex (as he is now) all day really, my other friends went off somewhere and spent the day smoking and playing pool in the pub I would have thought. We were okay actually, seemed kinda more like it used to when we were talking - there were some more awkward moments but I honestly think that being at uni does him a lot of good. Gets him thinking, and active more, and not dwelling on stuff and overthinking.
In other news: I didn't get into the fashion illustration module (well, one of them) that I wanted so I'm now doing a corsetry elective instead! I'm so excited! It'll get me back into textiles (I took a BTEC in it at college) and sewing, and fashion, I'll meet new people (girls, I don't tend to make friends with girls easily so I'd like some more to talk to) and... I'll get some snazzy undies out of it at the end. Might try to incorporate it into my main fashion illustration module that's running alongside it, and I'll probably do some photography of it (or me in it, I have no idea). It's a sixteen week module though, how dull.
What else am I doing?? Web design, and creative writing, I think.
I've gone a bit wrong, heh. I've started to look like one of the girls that I paint - kind of beautiful but also really, really weird. I've started wearing too much eye makeup, bright lipstick and curling my fringe under. I quite like it...
Hung out with le ex (as he is now) all day really, my other friends went off somewhere and spent the day smoking and playing pool in the pub I would have thought. We were okay actually, seemed kinda more like it used to when we were talking - there were some more awkward moments but I honestly think that being at uni does him a lot of good. Gets him thinking, and active more, and not dwelling on stuff and overthinking.
In other news: I didn't get into the fashion illustration module (well, one of them) that I wanted so I'm now doing a corsetry elective instead! I'm so excited! It'll get me back into textiles (I took a BTEC in it at college) and sewing, and fashion, I'll meet new people (girls, I don't tend to make friends with girls easily so I'd like some more to talk to) and... I'll get some snazzy undies out of it at the end. Might try to incorporate it into my main fashion illustration module that's running alongside it, and I'll probably do some photography of it (or me in it, I have no idea). It's a sixteen week module though, how dull.
What else am I doing?? Web design, and creative writing, I think.
I've gone a bit wrong, heh. I've started to look like one of the girls that I paint - kind of beautiful but also really, really weird. I've started wearing too much eye makeup, bright lipstick and curling my fringe under. I quite like it...
I digg this tv ad about music from the 60s
they show the bands and all the crazy bright colors and patterns
that they wore back then,
I hope it comes back I'm so sick of silver and black.
Anyway sounds like you'll have some interesting projects to combine
Your new look sounds awesome