I love my scars... I have one picture now that a friend took of my arms. It's not the best quality, but still, it's my arms. And you can totally see the design. You can't really see how they were made, and you can't really see the missing skin too well, but you can tell what it is. I don't think you can mistake it...
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Today I decided to take the rest of the plasma from my scars off. I was in the shower and it just started to come off, so I finished the job. They're looking REALLY good now. I can't wait until they're fully healed. They're going to look so beautiful. I've also decided on my next scarification piece. A choas star in the middle of my...
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I just decided since I'm paying for the site, I might as well use it. I'm going to use the site mostly for keeping a written record of my mods. And to start off, my arms are doing great. I just got some channel cutting done on both arms. The top of both wrists actually. It was an awesome experience. When they were removing the...
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will there be a day when you look in the mirror and think, "yes, I am now complete." ? Just curious. I hadn't thought of asking anyone before.
In all honesty, I truly hope so. I love the feeling, the pain of getting modified (for the scarring I was offered anesthetic, but I politely declined), and of course the results. But someday, I would like to feel complete. But then again, even if I feel complete, I might still get something done because nostalgia...