I'm gonna try and make this quick because I have homework to do and class later in the day. So what's been going down since my last post? I'm still working, and there really haven't been any problems there, so yay. I'll be getting a key to our warehouse since I'm working weekends now, but that's the only new thing. Well, minus the impact of...
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Give your friend time. Honestly, talking about the trivial shit is probably really helpful for her right now. The heavier stuff will get easier to talk about with time and support. It sounds like you're being a really great friend.
@nebula I'm doing my best. Thanks for the advice.

And I feel like crap. I'm gonna make good on my new resolution. I'm not gonna take crap from people I care about.


OK, so the last few posts of mine focused on a dissolution. Doing better now, just missing that connection I had with her.

But this post isn't about that, it's about the other developments as of late. The biggest being that I left that shitty job I was constantly complaining about.

So, last month I reached my breaking point. I was tired of the shitty...
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It's fucking infuriating how often I think about her. There's no way I can ever be busy enough to keep her from popping into my thoughts.

Here I am, 2.5 hours away from when I need to get up for work, agonizing over this and just wishing I could get laid to the point where I'm not missing her.


I dunno if I'm gonna write up a full account of what happened, but the woman in Vancouver I'd been talking to since February? Yeah, we ended our friendship today.

I seriously suck at this. Don't think I was meant to be romantically involved with anyone. Probably best that I don't.

In other news, I'm leaving my shitty job and I got into college... Again....
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So, it's been a while and I really don't have anything that interesting to add. Job still sucks, but hey I might be going back to school? Thinking about going back to get my BA. Possibly gonna be studying creative writing. Might minor in gender & women's studies. We'll see. I've also been talking to someone for a few months. She's great, we like each...
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I need too