So, it's been a few weeks since I wrote in here? I'm trying to write more often for things that aren't school related, so this counts. Ummm yeah, shit has been...i dunno, off-kilter lately? Let's get into it.
1) My car died. Yup, my faithful car of the past 10 years passed on. Damn engine failed (I won't go into that). So seeing as how my schedule is pretty damn tight, I was freaking out. I had to borrow my parents car (one of the perks of being close to them still) until I had the time to go test drive a few cars. Less than a week (& an 8K down payment later) I had a new car, and I fucking love it. Smooth ride, nice interior..ugh. Love driving it. But it has caused some minor probs. Like being stopped by the cops and being broken into. In the 10 years I had my last car, I was stopped once by cops and my car was never broken into. 2 weeks into having this car, and I experience both those things. Funny thing about having my car broken into? The 2 things they took, were things I had been trying to offload for ages. So, thanks guys you did me a favor.
2) Had a really scary "might lose my job" type thing come up the last couple days. Really anxiety inducing (Especially when I just bought a car and I'm only starting to pay it off). Thankfully it was resolved quickly. No fuss no muss.
now onto 3:
So the above is an excerpt from a piece of writing I did for one of my classes, and the commentary in purple pen is from a classmate of mine.
After weeks of feeling inadequate in my classes due to hearing the words of all these amazing writers I'm surrounded by, I think I'm finally regaining my confidence. I hadn't written anything in a long time (maybe 6-7 years) and I was not feeling or writing like my old self. I felt everything was garbage due to limited time and sleep. But I'm starting to feel better about my skill level again. Still have that stereotypical writer's doubt, but eh I can live with that if it's not crippling.
Now for the ulterior motive for posting that excerpt above. Like I said, the commentary was from my classmate. And she apparently fucking loves my vocab (I know all the best words....ew, did I just quote Trump?). Hell, when I mentioned the origin of the word "barbarian", she fucking lit up. But yeah, I think I'm starting to crush on the lady. Smart, sharp wit, nerd, comics fan and cute as fuck? Only problem is, she's in her really early 20's and here I am in my late 30's. I really don't want to come off as some trash dude who's trying to prey on a young woman. I mean I know I'm not, but ugh... Some of my women friends keep telling me to not worry about it that much, but sorta hard not to. At this point, I'm just gonna leave it alone.