One piece of coursework left, ohh does it never end?!
Not many days till xmas, less than 2 weeks and ive maxed out my overdraft
Bless the studetn loans company..shame it doesnt come before christmas instead of after . bah humbug
Off to edinburgh on the 4th of jan for a long weekend, Hmm really should ask for eskimo type jumpers for xmas, dont do well in the cold
Not many days till xmas, less than 2 weeks and ive maxed out my overdraft

Off to edinburgh on the 4th of jan for a long weekend, Hmm really should ask for eskimo type jumpers for xmas, dont do well in the cold

I think in the 3 years I was in Hull it was only sunny once, but for about 3 weeks solid around may-june. We lived at the town end of Beverley road in one of those tall old Victorian buildings, and spent most of those 3 weeks sat on the roof drinking. Great views seeing how flat it is round there.
If you happen to see Sonya, do me a favour and say hi for me - Robin the guy who used to ask for 'Big Black - Kerosene' every fucking week down silhouettes.