Life is hard but sometimes its a necessary evil. I had a hard time when I lost my job in May. I figured it was the universe's way of finally kicking me out of New York so I left, Went to NC and watched the strongest women I have ever known die is a way that broke my heart. My Grams was a one of a kind women. Like no other. Then my fabulous family forced me out the morning circle. So I cried alone outside my Grams room knowing that is where I will always be in this family. I stood up and started moving forward.
Some shyt happened and moved to Florida with my other aunt, and BAM more shyt went down and I was forced to quit my job and moved my ass right back to NY. But something feels different now. Something has changed after I decided to just forsaken my family. I don't need a family that doesn't support me. I take the advice of Xynnedra and I have chosen the people I will call family.
So I am here for Samhein and the holidays and oh yea my 30th birthday. SOOOOO I am taking suggestions. How should I bring in my 30th. I am also still looking for a job and hoping all the little pieces fall into place like a job my own place to live instead of on my moms couch -_- family suck sometimes .. If they would have just left em be i properly be living in NC in my own house ... but alas that is not to be. The universe has something else planned for me .. I cant wait to see what it has planned ...
I also for some off reason became very comfortable with my body yaaay feeling pretty. Huggles to my real friends
Some shyt happened and moved to Florida with my other aunt, and BAM more shyt went down and I was forced to quit my job and moved my ass right back to NY. But something feels different now. Something has changed after I decided to just forsaken my family. I don't need a family that doesn't support me. I take the advice of Xynnedra and I have chosen the people I will call family.
So I am here for Samhein and the holidays and oh yea my 30th birthday. SOOOOO I am taking suggestions. How should I bring in my 30th. I am also still looking for a job and hoping all the little pieces fall into place like a job my own place to live instead of on my moms couch -_- family suck sometimes .. If they would have just left em be i properly be living in NC in my own house ... but alas that is not to be. The universe has something else planned for me .. I cant wait to see what it has planned ...
I also for some off reason became very comfortable with my body yaaay feeling pretty. Huggles to my real friends
Thanks ... Family is a unique experience.. and thanks .. its only a few weeks till the big 30 hits but no clue how or what to do do bring it in
You really have been through quite a lot over the past few months. Hopefully things fall into place soon and you're able to get up and running again in NY.