Sooo I have been here in NC since Tuesday night. My cuz has gotten so round, he has 2 kids, a wife 2 cars and owns his house and only been down here like 4 years. I am proud of him. Like I said I been down here since Tuesday night ... I finally saw "my" room last night. It actually my aunts computer room. And as far as I can tell she wants me to be comfortable but ALL my things will be put into storage ... So my goal get my own place yesterday. I knew I wasn't gonna be welcomed but shyt.. I know this is best for me to get away from the hell in NY but my family is unite unique. So today I gotta go through all my stuff and grab what Imma need put the rest away.. I miss NY but I gotta keep pushing. I didn't fail in NY but I wasn't succeeding like I wanted. Please goddess give me the strength to push down here and to deal with my family..
Miss you NYC sux w/ out
I miss you xynnedra .. hope to see you soon