So how does one spend ur day off... Well I'm off on Tuesday's so I kindly ask my dear friend to call out and we spend the morning at the DMV and now we are the proud owners of a motorcycle permit. We only have a year to get the lisence but we can so do it lol.. After out permit hunt we pick up another friend and drive to Philly to get some good sammiches and check out some fun stores in Philly ... It was fun .... Found like 3 or 4 corsets to buy so I already KNOW I have to go back to get those prettiful things... It was a blast.. I would love to have another trip like the last one .. After nex trip down I so need to head north for more good food and good shopping.... Yaay road trips ... I am so dying to take a few more road trips just don't have ideas where the trips should be... I guess gotta let the winds decide ... I just hope the girls are down for more exploritory driving.. Here's to the next road trip.
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