I never thought that i would be somewhere where I am personally responsible for someone elses responsability. I should not be held responsible if things are outside my realm of control. When did it become ok to blame someone else for your own short coming. Why in the name of all that is holy am i being help responsible for something beyond my control, when did it become ok to pass the buck instead of owning ur shyt.But its ok .. what it does is make me more aware and a bigger dick to push that MY SHYT gets taken care of to the point that I will annoy the hell out of other. If Im gonna be held responable then watch the outcome u have brought forth on yourselves.
OK done venting lol On to more pleasent thoughts, end of march means ill have my motorcycle permit and end of apriil or may ill have my lisence and possibly new ink .. all preperation for ym week in NOLA for my 30th bash lol WHOOT BABY
OK done venting lol On to more pleasent thoughts, end of march means ill have my motorcycle permit and end of apriil or may ill have my lisence and possibly new ink .. all preperation for ym week in NOLA for my 30th bash lol WHOOT BABY