So February has been a very interesting month. Started with work completely changing my work schedule because they are rehiring someone, oh and I forgot to mention I also lose my desk.. Now I get to sit at any open desk. Then I found out shy that is out of my control is coming out of my check. Them my sister/cuz/ roomie xyn gets into a car accident. Now my job maybe at risk cause some dumbass can't take car of his car... So how do I handle all this stress .. I plan my next tattoo and finally pierce my right nipple ... I seriously can't wait till the winds of fate take me out of this great city known as my personal hell New York ... Here's hoping all goes well later on this year ... Yaaaay NOLA
Don't worry mama. We all gotta feel that rock bottom before we really have the drive to pull ourselves to greater places.
I hope so .. I really hope so