Things have been most interesting in my tiny little world. Went out for old hallows eve and had fun with Xyn. Worked on halloween what a damn mess that day was. Now its a mad dash to complete my laundry list of things that need to be completed. Hopefully ill get a new tattoo and a new place to live. .. maybe celebrate my birthday .. or maybe just ignore it .. the jury is out on that one. .. oh and I gotta see about a remote start on my car, for those cold days where i want my car warm for me to just drive off instead of waiting for her to warm up. 2 more years and ill either trade her in for a manual tranny or keep her for life lol and just buy a second car.
More Blogs
A new beginning,
I haven't done this in a while over a year i believe. This time las… -
Saturday Aug 03, 2013
I been a little busy, Here is a little update. So things are looking … -
Sunday Jul 07, 2013
So yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of my grams death. I went to … -
Thursday Jun 20, 2013
Its been a while since my last post. Been trying to get my life toget… -
Sunday Jan 13, 2013
It has been a bit since I last blogged. Some things have changed othe… -
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Been a busy little beaver lately ... Well to start I'm gainfully empl… -
Monday Oct 29, 2012
Life is hard but sometimes its a necessary evil. I had a hard time wh… -
Tuesday Oct 16, 2012
Soo here a fun little update ... I kept to myself .. Her hubby lied a… -
Friday Oct 05, 2012
So today was the magic day for me to get me car back ... I even manag… -
Monday Oct 01, 2012
Holas from the land of Deltona lol.. So I think my aunt has decided…