You know it's gonna be a trying day when you struggle to get out of bed in the morning. Then when you get to work ... Your start time is 9am but ur not allowed to clock in till 130pm ... Luckily I had my nook an read that whole time .... Then the store doesn't see a car in 2 hours or more .... And to add to that it's inventory day ... Add A friend calling you an unpleasant thing and then another friend makes light of that name... It's a day where I'm looking forward to going hime and having a good old fashion drink to erase the day ... Is it 9pm yet
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 06, 2012
So when it rains it poors .. So no idea what's going on but I managed… -
Friday Jun 01, 2012
Its the first day of June. I feel like I have yet to accomplish anyth… -
Thursday May 31, 2012
Sooo I have been here in NC since Tuesday night. My cuz has gotten so… -
Thursday May 24, 2012
The theme of my day : " A Series Of Unfortunate Events" Let's star… -
Sunday Apr 29, 2012
So looks like my days in new York are coming to an end much much fast… -
Thursday Mar 29, 2012
So how does one spend ur day off... Well I'm off on Tuesday's so I k… -
Sunday Mar 18, 2012
So my St. Pats. I had to work till 4, not so bad if i was beong over … -
Thursday Mar 15, 2012
My poor poor Mac is dying the slowest death ... I can't fix he plug a… -
Sunday Mar 11, 2012
So my new work schedule takes effect to day. So far not to bad. See,s… -
Sunday Mar 04, 2012
Each day is passing so quickly, but time is flowing so slowly. I am p…