Alex proposed yesterday and I couldn't be happier! Our friends and families are amazing and have given so much support. I've never felt more loved in my life!!
We're thinking of October 9, 2010 for the wedding... its only 7months away!! But we need to do this so we can move forward with our lives.. his family is very old fashioned and...
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Alex proposed yesterday and I couldn't be happier! Our friends and families are amazing and have given so much support. I've never felt more loved in my life!!
We're thinking of October 9, 2010 for the wedding... its only 7months away!! But we need to do this so we can move forward with our lives.. his family is very old fashioned and...
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So, things are amazing! I cant believe how happy i am now, vs. how low i was just a couple months ago. I guess thats what love does, its amazing! I've been dating Alex for a month and we're completely in love!
Life is good, this is what its supposed to be like!
Love and kisses!
Life is good, this is what its supposed to be like!
Love and kisses!

If the people at work don't like it, just tell them all where they can stick it
Gloves on!!!
On a side note, I'm actually a pretty friendly guy so don't let this comment give you the wrong idea
Gloves on!!!

On a side note, I'm actually a pretty friendly guy so don't let this comment give you the wrong idea
Life is good! 

happy birthday to me!!
the past couple weeks have been amazing, im living it up! No regrets.. other then puking on a cutie... but that didnt stop things...lol!!!
Apartment shopping is going good, we're really hoping to get this beautiful condo in Agawam; i fell in love the second i walked in!! The deal breaker will be Carries dog, we shall see!!
the past couple weeks have been amazing, im living it up! No regrets.. other then puking on a cutie... but that didnt stop things...lol!!!
Apartment shopping is going good, we're really hoping to get this beautiful condo in Agawam; i fell in love the second i walked in!! The deal breaker will be Carries dog, we shall see!!

lots of changes this weekend, and i feel great. For the first time in a long time i think i can breathe and feel good about myself.
Defiantly making progress in bettering myself.
Defiantly making progress in bettering myself.

Today should be a fun day!
For the last 6 weeks one of the doc's and I have been planning a charity basketball event for the National Kidney Foundation (im a nephrologists cma). Today is day 1 of the tournament. So if anyone is nearby the Basketball Hall of Fame later tonight stop by. And Slater gave the local news crews and paper's my name...
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For the last 6 weeks one of the doc's and I have been planning a charity basketball event for the National Kidney Foundation (im a nephrologists cma). Today is day 1 of the tournament. So if anyone is nearby the Basketball Hall of Fame later tonight stop by. And Slater gave the local news crews and paper's my name...
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So im back, i didnt have the money to re-activate until today so hopefully i didnt get kicked out of any groups or anything...
Work is meh, same old shit really.
My life is going okay... its been boring lately though, any thoughts on how to spice things up???
Work is meh, same old shit really.
My life is going okay... its been boring lately though, any thoughts on how to spice things up???
So i went to the casino on saturday and lost like 60 bucks. I really could have used that money but it was a fun time nonetheless. Alot of things have been going on but ive been alot better lately then i have been. Work is great, im getting my good friends back in my life, now if only i could get out of debt...
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Glad to hear that sweetie!
Was your second profile pic taken in front of a Chihuly? That thing is bitchin'!
Was your second profile pic taken in front of a Chihuly? That thing is bitchin'!
Yup, it's him! I love his work so i get pretty stoked when I can spot it.