Is it bad that I can't particularly bring myself to care about the future risk of cancer I'm exposing myself to via cadmium yellow? I do a lot of my painting with just my hands, and cadmium yellow, a known carcinogen, can be absorbed through the skin. I should really invest in some latex gloves or something, but that would involve going and buying them,...
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You could order them online 

Let's go through the pros and cons, thus far today.
It's cloudy and foggy.
I have an appointment to have this (wisdom) tooth removed.
I have vicodin.
I'm cold.
My appointment isn't for a few hours yet.
The vicodin isn't helping as much as it should.
In the past 6 hours, half of my face has become quite swollen.
I can't eat.
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It's cloudy and foggy.
I have an appointment to have this (wisdom) tooth removed.
I have vicodin.
I'm cold.
My appointment isn't for a few hours yet.
The vicodin isn't helping as much as it should.
In the past 6 hours, half of my face has become quite swollen.
I can't eat.
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Thank you for the kind comment. That story about your car is awful, I'm so sorry!
How did your wisdom tooth-pulling go? I hope you are warm and pain-free!
How did your wisdom tooth-pulling go? I hope you are warm and pain-free!
The dentist gave me vicodin. I just took it, so it hasn't kicked in yet, unfortunately. I'm hoping it's going to start to help soon, because right now I'm in agony. She wasn't exactly sure what's wrong, so she's sending me to an endodontist to see whether or not I need a root canal. I have that appointment at three. Argh.
Ugh! I can't sleep because I'm in friggin agony. There's something wrong with my mouth. I'd call it a toothache, but the pain is much more than that. It just started last night. I was fine when I went to bed, then at 4:30am I wake up in extraordinary amounts of pain. So I get up and stumble to my trusty bottle of extra strength...
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Just got back from FL a few days ago. We drove down, and spent a few days in Asheville (which is just about one of the best cities ever), and ate yummy vegan food. Then we spent about a week in FL, just outside of West Palm... It was dreadfully sunny, but aside from that, the weather itself was nice. We spent a day in...
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Same here with hating talking on the phone - not just places of business, either. I will text, email, drive to someone's house, send smoke signals, and attach a note to a carrier pigeon before picking up a phone and calling my firends/family. Okay, maybe I don't use carrier pigeons...
We got a Wii on Sunday. My boyfriend had to go stand in line, at 5am, in the rain, for three hours... but he managed to get one--and it's fucking awesome. We've been Wii-boxing (and I've been kicking his ass). But now, my back is sooo sore. I needs some massages.
On Sunday, I also went to see my mother (who lives about an hour...
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On Sunday, I also went to see my mother (who lives about an hour...
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Don't you just hate it when you burn your breakfast and don't have time to make more?
My test is over! I think it went well....? Maybe. And I got a package in the mail, full of new clothes. I love clothes. I seriously have a fashion addiction. I waste so much money on clothes, but they make me happy. Though I do recognize that a person only needs so much black in their wardrobe... especially when they have two semi-white dogs...
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"Text book, text book on my desk, who's the most evil of you all?"
"Why, physics, of course."
Two words: physics sucks. It's some freakish hybrid of math and science without truly being one or the other, and as such, it makes absolutely no sense. And it frustrates me beyond belief. I've been studying physics like crazy the past few nights, seeing as I have...
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"Why, physics, of course."
Two words: physics sucks. It's some freakish hybrid of math and science without truly being one or the other, and as such, it makes absolutely no sense. And it frustrates me beyond belief. I've been studying physics like crazy the past few nights, seeing as I have...
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I am so not a morning person. It's noon right now... but I still consider that to be part of the morning. In an ideal world, I wouldn't have to wake up until 5 or 6pm.
In better news, I saw the drawing for my new tattoo (which will be started this coming monday), and it was fucking awesome. I can't wait!
Also, I think...
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In better news, I saw the drawing for my new tattoo (which will be started this coming monday), and it was fucking awesome. I can't wait!
Also, I think...
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I want to see your tattoo when it's finished!!
I loved your set, girl... sooo creative!
I loved your set, girl... sooo creative!