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From antaje
From skinnyweirdo
Amazing set! I love the art stuff :D you have very beautiful eyes btw.
Desk Job
Hopeful Set
by phoenix eon
From ramseyk9
Thanks for following me
From lewolf
Dropping by to leave one of my FAVORITE Persons some Yuletide love during this Holiday Season... May you and yours enjoy the Magic of the Time and Times... and May your Holidays be safe, filled with love, and warmly memorable!!! ♥U, Baby Girl!!!
I got a whole set shot before 1pm, and now I'm sat editing them very lightly so I can upload them tonight!
Want a preview? I got you:
Its shot at my illustration/ costume work station, so its just showing me for who I am with the sewing machine, some drawings, and shit everywhere. I'm pretty happy with it all though, so excited :D
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Well I've recently shot two new sets but haven't heard anything back from the photographer :( so you might not be seeing anything for a while from me which is annoying as dicks!
Next week my partner is shooting a set with me but it won't be edited for another weeks after that, and I'm just wanting to let you guys know that I do...
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From prido
Hiya mirrors thanks for following :D XOXO @>->----