So. I want to get the hell out of town for a weekend (wish I could do it for longer than that). I don't want to have plans or an agenda...just go, just travel to where the travelling takes me. Maybe a roadtrip to Pittsburgh or Niagra...or someplace that doesn't require too much getting there.
Anybody wanna go?
Still no opportunity for travel has arisen. Not a big deal, I guess that I am just a bit stir crazy or something. I think it was easier being alone when the weather wasn't so nice, and I was cooped up all the time. But, it has been so beautiful out lately.
I went for a walk late last night, 1am or thereabouts, and it was weird that the streets were so quiet. Nobody was out and about, which is very strange. Usually, there are at least the street walkers out doing their business, but even they were gone.
How are you today?
Anybody wanna go?

Still no opportunity for travel has arisen. Not a big deal, I guess that I am just a bit stir crazy or something. I think it was easier being alone when the weather wasn't so nice, and I was cooped up all the time. But, it has been so beautiful out lately.
I went for a walk late last night, 1am or thereabouts, and it was weird that the streets were so quiet. Nobody was out and about, which is very strange. Usually, there are at least the street walkers out doing their business, but even they were gone.
How are you today?
figured you'd be using the same sn as on myspace......