So I'll be honest, this blog is a rehash of a blog I wrote a few years back, but I wanted to re share it with you, plus it's relevant to this week'a assignment from @missy and @rambo...
So what inspired me to become a Suicide Girl? It was down to these 3 ladies;
I remember seeing Joseph for the first time and instantly getting a mega girl crush on her. I loved her dreads, and pale skin, I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had seen!

I think it's her eyes! And of course her amazing body. But looking through her sets, and how beautiful they were, in the art nude, not overly porn way made me, and how much her personality shone through, made me realise that this isn't all T&T. Of course that's a massive part of a set, but the girls are beautiful, because of who they are.
The day she left was a sad day indeed.
Evette's set was part of the examples in the model section, and again I saw her. I didn't see a girl with her tits out, I saw a beautiful woman comfortable in her skin. That what I wanted to do, and even now, that's what I want to get across in my sets, either as a model or a photographer.

When I joined SG I was still healing from the emotional scars of an abusive relationship that left my self esteem in tatters. I thought that because I wasn't a certain shape or size, I wasn't attractive. But I saw how these girls didn't fit a certain type, and that they appeared so confident that they were sexy.

Last, but not least, Quinne. Her curves blow my mind and her cheeky and very sexy attitude make me look at her sets over and over.

I saw Quinne and the other girls and thought, I want to do that. I also wanted to kick the douche in the face who made me feel inadequate for so long. And when my first set went front page, it wasn't the money, or the "going pink" that made me squeal, it was me saying "fuck you! I did it!".

There are so many reasons why girls decide to model for SG, but I think we all have one thing in common, we want to show the world that beauty comes in our shape, our sizes, and above all, our quirks.
I know a lot of people feel the front page is pretty samey, and SG has lost it's edge blah blah. Maybe it has, but I still think the girls on the front page still show this quirky beauty, just in a different way. Times are changing, you don't have to have a 10 ft mohawk to be considered "alternative" anymore, if that even exists. People are who they are. That's why SG is beautiful. Just girls, being themselves.
I love photographing and working with amazing girls, with different stories, different dreams, but that all share that sexy confidence which makes an SG who she is.
Will I model again? Probably not. I don't think I'm what the site wants, plus becoming a mother has changed my view on myself being naked; despite less hang ups I'm actually very shy and there is no time for grooming! Hahah
But I still think I have the mindset of SGness; being confident about my non Vogue body and looks. And if you ask me about my life it's been and still is pretty "alternative"!
Cheers Miro! Keep it that way! I think (very unfortunately) a lot of shit has gone very main stream. And I see it as greatly unfortunate and parting from the 'fuck it we're like this!' view a lot of places used to be. As I understand SG used to be very pin-up, very story, very 'fuck it, this is MY WAY!' So it's weird and disconcerting to see things different. At the same time, it's still here but in a different way, albeit with a lot more main stream demand which I find disappointing. In my opinion, capitalism has ruined the fuck out of America and infected everyone else to a degree. Governments are lobbied out the ass by special interest fucks and it is and will come to a head. Shit will ultimately sort itself out one way or another. I sincerely hope it doesn't come to more than a reawakening but it will as it must. Greed and debauchery (corruption/etc) Â has been the downfall of many civilizations and history ultimately repeats itself if not corrected. I hate watching it happen to something I love but at the same time it's not so easily accomplished within my (or anyone else's) grasp. One thing I very much hold on to is SG is still a very active community. Sure there's some girls and dbags here to flaunt/exalt their shit they let out and want to see. At the same time, this is one of the most supportive communities I've come across to include a very active and, in my humble opinion, (very on the ball) church. And that's my opinion and view. I'm here because ultimately I enjoy the art the gal's put out there as well as what they back it up with. I don't care what you have to show, if it's empty or off putting, it defines itself. You can be anything, smile, and be happy and no one can deny that....though they may not be super keen on seeing it. I'm an honest/blunt guy so I don't mean to be an ass but if that's what it is so be it. If life has taught me anything, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder if you have the confidence to be proud of it folks will respond. So don't sell yourself or anyone else short. If they can bring it, it's real. I at least appreciate that much and I've seen/read enough to know I'm not the only one of this opinion.
Incredible blogs! These girls are truely the pioneers of SG without them girls will still be trapped in there shells and not coming out to tell the world "Fuck you! You don't own me!"