Since being pregnant, giving birth, and then losing all the weight (plus extra), my body has changed a lot, and so has my relationship with it.
Indeed, parts that I used to loathe, now have a new found respect, parts that we my "assets" are now purely practical and bits I never really considered are now pampered.
For example, my tummy. Now, I've never really like my stomach, and I've even had "hate" from SG members, saying I should lose some weight blah blah. But now, even with it's tiger stripes and less than taught skin, it is my most loved part; because it housed my daughter for 9 months, stretching, to what felt like the size of a small moon in the process! But to be honest, I'm still amazed at what my body achieved in those 9 months, 20 hours of labour and now as a mother - sole food source for baby girl for 6 months. That's pretty wild!
But there's one body part that I hated before and still hate; my feet. They aren't the nicest looking and I've constantly got problems with them, due to ballet and just neglecting them. I never where flip flops and even in the heat of summer I will wear socks. They offend me.
But they work and get me about the place, so I am grateful for that, and that I was given the shoe lover gene!
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@rambo @missy