How do you guys like the revamp?! I like it! It needs some ironing but on the whole I think it's kinda cute!
Proper update soon, there's lot to tell you, including info about my new blog and how you could get involved! Go give it a look and a share!
Changes are coming!
love x
I thought it was an improvement when I viewed on my iPad last night. Couldn't believe it when I loaded it up on my laptop and the website looked the same. It feels too chunky for a big screen - there's really no need to have such huge gaps between things, especially on the 'My Feed' screen, where you can no longer hide items. I think it's a step in the right direction, but requires a heck of a lot of fine-tuning.
I especially hate the new search and login screens. WHY SO BIG??! Everything is just so enormous. It would be so much easier to use without all the blank space.