I wish I could say life is good. I wish I could say my relationship is good, and maybe it is, but I have my concerns. I'm constantly worried I'm doing something wrong or upsetting him. I'm constantly insecure, thinking I'm not good enough, and I'm not what he needs right now. I'm awfully high maintenance lately, and I don't like it. This is not the person I want to be. I'm not sure I like myself when I'm in relationships. I'm constantly sabotaging my own happiness. I want to feel happy, secure, and not worried I'm doing everything wrong. I'm afraid I'm not very good at this whole relationship thing...but I wasn't happy just having friends with benefits either. I wanted something more meaningful, but now I'm afraid I'm ruining it. I'm not sure if he's happy with me, and I'm not even sure I'm happy with him. I love him, we're compatible. I'm just new to being monogamous, and I want to do it right so much that I'm so scared of doing it wrong. I've fucked up so many relationships like this before...I'm so afraid of losing him.

Hugs! I am sure you'll work it out. Hugs again.