Yay, I get to hang out with Ross and Rose tomorrow night and Saturday! I feel like the only time I ever get to be myself is when I'm with them, and even then I get all shy and shut up. I hope one day I'll find the courage to show them the me they seem to love and want.
In other news...I'm really poor. I just spent the last of my money on birthday gifts today for my mom and sister. I need money badly. I need a job, but no one will hire me for some reason, and my parents are starting to get pissed with me not having a job and not having money. I think they want me out of the house or something...maybe they're getting sick of me.
So if anyone wants to give me money, that would be awesome! Cause I can't stand being poor...I hate people having to lend me money, and pay for me when we go out to dinner. I don't have a paypal account, but if someone really wants to give me some money, I can certainly make one.
I hate to be a beggar, but I'm starting to believe that its not such a bad thing. There are a lot of people without money, and who beg to make their way.
I'll do you a favor!!! Promise!!!
Oh, and I seriously think the people who love me on here, should tell me how very much they love me in a testimonial. Just sayin....
In other news...I'm really poor. I just spent the last of my money on birthday gifts today for my mom and sister. I need money badly. I need a job, but no one will hire me for some reason, and my parents are starting to get pissed with me not having a job and not having money. I think they want me out of the house or something...maybe they're getting sick of me.
So if anyone wants to give me money, that would be awesome! Cause I can't stand being poor...I hate people having to lend me money, and pay for me when we go out to dinner. I don't have a paypal account, but if someone really wants to give me some money, I can certainly make one.
I hate to be a beggar, but I'm starting to believe that its not such a bad thing. There are a lot of people without money, and who beg to make their way.
I'll do you a favor!!! Promise!!!

Oh, and I seriously think the people who love me on here, should tell me how very much they love me in a testimonial. Just sayin....
Sell a kidney. I hear they get good money on the black market. 
