This weekend was unfuckingbelievable!!! I went to U-Con at UConn, which was utterly amazing. A free nerd convention, and a lot of people cosplayed. I got so much stuff, including my very first print of an original character. Its a pretty sad girl with green hair.
I got two books of manga, called Strawberry Marshmallow, which is a completely pointless manga about cute girls. I got some Lolita rings, and have a new interest in Lolita after going to the University Lolita panel. That was run by a total bitch, who was dressed from head to toe in pink, and raved about being a Lolita on campus. It was actually pretty interesting. Anyway, it was a wicked fun time, and I loved every second.
I took a mini photo shoot of my friend Maureen in her maid outfit.

Then we went to see Doug and Rob Walker's panel. If you don't know who Doug and Rob Walker are, go to Doug is the Nostalgia Critic, and I was so fucking happy to meet him.

I also met a guy cosplaying Mr. T, which was so awesome!

This is just me at lunch looking pensive.

And then we came across these guys....I wasn't exactly sure who they were, but they mimed and started following around this guy who was talking on his phone, and they mimed talking on their phones and the guy they followed didn't even know they were there.

Anyway, it was so much fun, and I'm terribly glad I went.

I took a mini photo shoot of my friend Maureen in her maid outfit.

Then we went to see Doug and Rob Walker's panel. If you don't know who Doug and Rob Walker are, go to Doug is the Nostalgia Critic, and I was so fucking happy to meet him.

I also met a guy cosplaying Mr. T, which was so awesome!

This is just me at lunch looking pensive.

And then we came across these guys....I wasn't exactly sure who they were, but they mimed and started following around this guy who was talking on his phone, and they mimed talking on their phones and the guy they followed didn't even know they were there.

Anyway, it was so much fun, and I'm terribly glad I went.
Nerd awesomeness!
Hahaha nice