This morning I woke up at six, cause my insomnia woke me up early, and I thought I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. My doctor won't refill my meds, so I demanded I see him next week so I can get my fucking meds. Its been over three weeks since I've had a good nights sleep. My sister decided to stay home from school again...she might as well drop out with all the absences she's had. And it pisses me off that she's ruining her education. Then my friend got pissed at me on the phone cause I wouldn't answer her text last night cause I was asleep. Then I got a call from my dad pretty much giving me a lecture because I haven't found a job yet. We ran out of fuel, so there's no heat and no hot water. I had to take another cold shower this morning. Then we ran out of toilet paper. My sister's cat is in heat, and she likes to follow just me around, and attack me whenever she gets the chance. Then Brian wouldn't talk to me for some bizarre reason...he does this now I think I've done something wrong. I have no Halloween costume for tomorrow, I missed rehearsal last night cause of my stupidity, my friends were making me feel bad last night, some guy keeps insisting he fuck me with my sister in the house, and I'm going insane cause of my lack of meds. I'm feeling homicidal, suicidal, pissed off, and feel like doing something destructive.
Its been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
(Can any of you get that reference?)
Its been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
(Can any of you get that reference?)