Hey hey, everyone! I am totally making it as a California girl and I'm a *little* less broke now that I've scored a couple jobs. Not only am I a cute new barista at a fun cafe in Ocean Beach, but I'm also now a marching band instructor for a local high school! Isn't that totally geeky and neat? Not a lot of people know this about me, but I was SO into marching band in high school. Our school cleaned house at every competition and I even got to march on the field many times at Giants Stadium in New Jersey. Anywho, I found the posting through Craigslist and jumped right on it. They're going to give me a generous stipend and I am super excited to work with students. How gratifying!
Hmmm, what else, I still don't know a single soul here in San Diego. I've been sitting in my room reading most nights, but am hoping to meet some fun people I can spend time with. I mean, I did JUST move across the entire country. I want to meet people, figure them out, and be social again! I want to do fun things! Not lately though-- just working on my writing for graduate school and keeping my life organized. I'm sure I'll meet some people. It's just hard now that I'm out of college and in a completely new area. My boyfriend's been very supportive and we had a quiet little celebration for my birthday. He's sweet, and even though I made this random move with someone I hardly know, he's been so wonderful to me and I hope that everything works out for the best.
Anywho, still super pissed about some of my friends and much admired staff photographers getting the boot, but I'm not going to put any of that negativity here. I've said what I've needed to say in more than enough places, and I really do hope that staff is listening now. I've met some wonderful friends here and this site has been a major touchstone in my life. Like many others, I don't want to leave, but sometimes this site breaks my heart. I don't think I could go anywhere else and make the connections I've made so far, so if you're reading... SG don't make me have to leave. Stay true, stay true.
And that's all I got so far. I'm still editing sets from my trip. It's kinda hard to do with all of my grad school deadlines coming up, but please be patient darlings! Plenty of pretty pictures soon.
I found this one of me and Ziacide from our trip, woo hoo!

I hope all of you cheer up. SG hasn't been a very happy place lately. Lets change that. <3
Hmmm, what else, I still don't know a single soul here in San Diego. I've been sitting in my room reading most nights, but am hoping to meet some fun people I can spend time with. I mean, I did JUST move across the entire country. I want to meet people, figure them out, and be social again! I want to do fun things! Not lately though-- just working on my writing for graduate school and keeping my life organized. I'm sure I'll meet some people. It's just hard now that I'm out of college and in a completely new area. My boyfriend's been very supportive and we had a quiet little celebration for my birthday. He's sweet, and even though I made this random move with someone I hardly know, he's been so wonderful to me and I hope that everything works out for the best.
Anywho, still super pissed about some of my friends and much admired staff photographers getting the boot, but I'm not going to put any of that negativity here. I've said what I've needed to say in more than enough places, and I really do hope that staff is listening now. I've met some wonderful friends here and this site has been a major touchstone in my life. Like many others, I don't want to leave, but sometimes this site breaks my heart. I don't think I could go anywhere else and make the connections I've made so far, so if you're reading... SG don't make me have to leave. Stay true, stay true.
And that's all I got so far. I'm still editing sets from my trip. It's kinda hard to do with all of my grad school deadlines coming up, but please be patient darlings! Plenty of pretty pictures soon.
I found this one of me and Ziacide from our trip, woo hoo!

I hope all of you cheer up. SG hasn't been a very happy place lately. Lets change that. <3

sounds good hun! no worries. 

Good luck to you!! I'm sure you're going to make a lot of friends out there!
If you ever make it back to NYC, you know what to do, hit me up!!
I agree with your sentiments, so frustrating!!