Well it's been such an interesting month given that I started my new job at the last week of July when I last posted a blog and given that I have attempted to get back into a particular school to finish my online classes, but I still to opted in to try and attended classes in person since I so freaking miss being interactive with both my instructors and classmates. However, I have not heard anything from the administration, I'm still not going to give up, given that I took a big break from school just to locate a job. Oh well it's not like I'm in a hurry considering that I work at a public library, lol.
Besides not being able to get back into school, working at the library has been freaking awesome since I get a chance to catch up on my drawing, make work interesting to my coworkers by being a little devil (more of a big devil) by tempting nutter butters to some of the ladies and printing out their favorite celebs and taping it to their screens.....yes, I am a little (big) devil that makes their jobs more fun, lmao. Though I have to admit, like any certain ladies that I work with, theirs always one that I picker and argue with that makes us sound like we're freaking married and in need of some counseling.........me no like that given that I can't win a damn argument (*sigh god dang it). Sad part is that I'm starting to have dreams of that certain co-worker that now and the most recent one that I had, has me controlling a mech from mechwarrior online (guilty of playing it to many dang times that I couldn't post my wizard con pics on Facebook) and I had her pic of doing the ice bucket challenge on my console....needless to say that I woke up with my heat beating and wondering what the F'K was that all about.....freaking weird.
However, what really made my month was that as of tonight on 8/30/14 (reason why I typed the date is because I've been hanging out with Mr. Jack Daniels all night) that a SG member named "Venom" who was one of the main reason why I joined SG in the first place, started following me....not gonna lie, I was like the guy on the comic strip below from VG Cats (yeah that dorky and yet its close to how I felt).
All in all I think this month has been freaking awesome and now I believe its time to hit the sack since I could have sworn the bed calling my name to get my fat butt into bed, lol. Anywho, sweet dreams you guys and lets see what the new month and the rest for the year holds out for us.....given that Alamo City comic con is in mid-September and the walking dead cast members are going to be in San Antonio, I'm most likely would look like that guy in the strip again when I attend, lol.