Strange dream last night which involved both sorrow as well as contentment. My dreams have been insane lately. Basically if you plugged into my dreams you'd have a good few movies there.
This one though involved a relationship with a blonde Cameron Diaz lookalike. As far as I can remember it started out me on the street feeling a massive sense of loss. Then she appeared to me and we held each other, me in tears telling her I didn't know what to do anymore without her and I felt lost without her in my world since she passed away. Yep, turns out she was dead and I was holding her ghost.
But as the dream progressed it went back to show how we met and how our relationship went and the feeling of contentment and happiness during that part of the dream was amazing.
Guess the reason I'm blogging this is because it's now 8 hrs later and it's still with me.
I've always thought dreams were a way your mind told you something. Something that you've been trying to sort out or think over. But this one baffles me. Guess sometimes we just dream for dreamings sake!

This one though involved a relationship with a blonde Cameron Diaz lookalike. As far as I can remember it started out me on the street feeling a massive sense of loss. Then she appeared to me and we held each other, me in tears telling her I didn't know what to do anymore without her and I felt lost without her in my world since she passed away. Yep, turns out she was dead and I was holding her ghost.
But as the dream progressed it went back to show how we met and how our relationship went and the feeling of contentment and happiness during that part of the dream was amazing.
Guess the reason I'm blogging this is because it's now 8 hrs later and it's still with me.
I've always thought dreams were a way your mind told you something. Something that you've been trying to sort out or think over. But this one baffles me. Guess sometimes we just dream for dreamings sake!

Your dream seems somewhat like a movie. Or perhaps an old memory of losing a love one and remembering them from time to time when your mind is unoccupied. When someone is no longer in your life and they were a positive, memorable part of it, then we tend to dream about all the good times that person shared with us. Interesting though that your dreams are more story-like in nature. My dreams have been really weird. I think it is because I watch my boyfriend play video games so much. I have been dreaming about being part of a video game mixed in with real life scenarios. They tend to include people I am around on a daily basis. Maybe it is what we are being exposed to before we go to sleep. Something to think about, I suppose!