The falling snow has managed to impede the approaching Ninja Monkey Assassins. Defences have been set up all around the house, the cats are on constant security patrols, originally with walkie talkies but when they explained to me that they didn't have thumbs to operate them I had to replace them with bells on their collars. They can't operate a walkie talkie but they can talk to tell me this...I don't know...slackers!
As the nights have passed I've noticed the ninja monkey assassins approach silently, yard by yard, over the dead ground behind the house. Many a night I have spent at the bedroom window, staring out with a forlorn look out onto the dead ground, before shouting out....Look, I swear I saw a monkey! one believes me, based on that statement I have many people in my bedroom at night....I'm I the guy who half way through an orgy shouts out "Look, I swear I saw an Monkey"!!!...I'll rephrase, my girlfriend doesn't believe me. But only the other day...she found monkey poo in her shoes...they've been in the house, they breached the defence and pooed in the house....
But then the snow came.
It's a well known fact that Monkeys disolve in snow so the Ninja monkey's are holding back for now. So, I'm getting prepared. The cats are going through an intensive kung fu course and I'm arming them. I was thinking of bringing in Stormtroopers but can't really afford the wasted ammo so cat's will have to do.
Wish me luck when it thaws!
As the nights have passed I've noticed the ninja monkey assassins approach silently, yard by yard, over the dead ground behind the house. Many a night I have spent at the bedroom window, staring out with a forlorn look out onto the dead ground, before shouting out....Look, I swear I saw a monkey! one believes me, based on that statement I have many people in my bedroom at night....I'm I the guy who half way through an orgy shouts out "Look, I swear I saw an Monkey"!!!...I'll rephrase, my girlfriend doesn't believe me. But only the other day...she found monkey poo in her shoes...they've been in the house, they breached the defence and pooed in the house....
But then the snow came.
It's a well known fact that Monkeys disolve in snow so the Ninja monkey's are holding back for now. So, I'm getting prepared. The cats are going through an intensive kung fu course and I'm arming them. I was thinking of bringing in Stormtroopers but can't really afford the wasted ammo so cat's will have to do.
Wish me luck when it thaws!