You gotta love mediation.
They say...I just have to say to you, she is finding it very uncomfortable coming into work.
Why I say?
She has her best friend sitting across from her who she talks non stop with and goes to the gym after work with. She has replaced me with the guy she nexts to and laughs all the time with (and I have tio admit I get jealous about...that used to be me)
And me, I sit there, the 4th person in a 4 man team. I go home after speaking 4-6 words a day and die at home. At the weekends I spoil myself and kill myself a little bit more with a botltle of whiskey, maybe 2
But yeah, she has it hard because at some stage in her life someone doesn't like her. Me, the bottle of whiskey is next because I actually feel...
They say...I just have to say to you, she is finding it very uncomfortable coming into work.
Why I say?
She has her best friend sitting across from her who she talks non stop with and goes to the gym after work with. She has replaced me with the guy she nexts to and laughs all the time with (and I have tio admit I get jealous about...that used to be me)
And me, I sit there, the 4th person in a 4 man team. I go home after speaking 4-6 words a day and die at home. At the weekends I spoil myself and kill myself a little bit more with a botltle of whiskey, maybe 2
But yeah, she has it hard because at some stage in her life someone doesn't like her. Me, the bottle of whiskey is next because I actually feel...
I imagine I would have a ball doing your makeup!