I have two awesome things to write about tonight!
1. I had my very first set bought as a photographer and I am so so so happy!! And who better to join this happiness with me than the girl I started my journey with - @aubrey! HARVEST MOON was purchased today and I can't wait to see it as Set of the Day come 2018.
Thanks for all your support - we couldn't have done it without you! It's been 2 years since she's had a SOTD and it's more than deserved <3
2. Miss @chloemai had a set go live a couple of days ago! I'm loving the response it's getting and it would mean a great deal to both of us if you would give it all the love in the world. She's pure as snow in WHITE AS SNOW
It's been a great end to 2017 and I'm actually very excited to start the new year. A new journey into the world of design and photography.
I also want to give a huuuuuge congratulations to @mila for finally becoming pink!!! We all knew it was only a matter of time and it's definitely about time haha! Well deserved girl. Next up has got to be @sirenn!
Stay safe this New Year friends, and I'll see you when we cross the line :)
Victory x