Well @missy and @rambo, useless facts are sort of my thing so I hope you enjoy these! xD
I've always been known amongst my friends as the nerdy one who knows about everything but especially the one that knows the biggest amount of useless information...usually about history and the animal world! So here are just a few examples:
1- Cougars are the largest feline who can purr, bigger ones can only roar! Can you imagine a cougar purring? haha
2- Dogs and many other animals have a bone inside their penises called baculum...it must really hurt if they miss the entrance!
3- Giraffes have the same amount of bones in their neck as humans have!
4- Vikings, despite what Hollywood shows, were big fans of cleanliness and colors. They bathed once a week and wore almost every color except black!
5- Loom techniques used by the Vikings were almost an exact match of the ones used by the Mapuche tribe in Argentina, though the never met. I know what you're thinking...ALIENS, right? haha
6- This one is for Southamerican Spanish speakers: Did you know that the word "ojota" derives from the word "ushuta" that were the slippers worn by the Incan people?
7- The phrase "mad as a hatter" originated because hatters used mercury to cure the felt hey used. Mercury poisoning causes damage in brain cells and after many years of making hats, hatters did, in fact, went mad!
8- Another one for Spanish speakers: Have you heard the phrase "Sacarme de quicio"? Well, the "quicio" was the grandfather of modern door hinges and they consisted of a hole in the ground where the door (that had a stick coming out on one of the bottom angles) used to fit so it could be swung. So if someone "takes you out of your quicio" it means they are taking you out of your center!
9- There was once a moment in humankind evolutionary history where we became almost extinct, leaving only 500 of us in the world...but hey, we recovered pretty good, right?
10- The intro to the song "The circle of life" in the Lion King is not random words, it's in Zulu and says: Nants ingonyama bagithi baba, sithi uhm ingonyama. Siyo Nqoba. Ingonyama nengw' enamabala.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my random facts and PLEASE, if you know any write them here, I'd love to keep learning some more! =D