mostly fuck you ed, you piece of shit boss!!
I quit my job today and i am soooooo fucking excited about it i could pee!!
starting my new job on monday!!
ready to celebrate, and enjoy my long weekend!!
Thanks to everyone who has listen to me bitch about the job i just quit, i appreciate it more then any of you know!! special thanks to Blossom for listening to me rant and scream and cry for hours about that place, and visiting me on my lunch breaks... your awesome, but you already knew that
and the song i am currently happy dancing too:
mostly fuck you ed, you piece of shit boss!!
I quit my job today and i am soooooo fucking excited about it i could pee!!
starting my new job on monday!!
ready to celebrate, and enjoy my long weekend!!
Thanks to everyone who has listen to me bitch about the job i just quit, i appreciate it more then any of you know!! special thanks to Blossom for listening to me rant and scream and cry for hours about that place, and visiting me on my lunch breaks... your awesome, but you already knew that

and the song i am currently happy dancing too:

You're welcome
it's good to read that I am appreciated.