sooo was watching the hangover and i forgot how much this one part made me laugh.
i guess i should update a little huh..
well um.. im still unemployed, but i got approved for unemployment so im excited! the girl from one of my previous posts.. jasmine.. we are still together and things are great. We even got a puppy

sadly though he got his first red rocket yesterday and was trying to do the humpty on whoever he could get close to..
so i guess he isnt a puppy anymore is he.
my niece is almost 2 and she is hillarious, her name is kimberly and she loves to dance!!! (especially when its lady gagas- bad romance) she makes me incredibly happy ...

um....OH! i turn 24 on saturday, and im thinking of dying my hair back to blonde.... whatcha think..
thats all i can think of for um.. holler!
i guess i should update a little huh..
well um.. im still unemployed, but i got approved for unemployment so im excited! the girl from one of my previous posts.. jasmine.. we are still together and things are great. We even got a puppy

sadly though he got his first red rocket yesterday and was trying to do the humpty on whoever he could get close to..

my niece is almost 2 and she is hillarious, her name is kimberly and she loves to dance!!! (especially when its lady gagas- bad romance) she makes me incredibly happy ...

um....OH! i turn 24 on saturday, and im thinking of dying my hair back to blonde.... whatcha think..
thats all i can think of for um.. holler!

the hangover is hilarious! very cute puppy dog too! 

your neice is so cute! you should give me your number so we can hang out again!