This is a repost of something that I put on my myspace page. I am out for blood...I thought I would post it here too just in case the person below happens to come to SG.
Other than that life is good. I had an interview today for a job in CA and I will know within 30 days whether I got it. I HATE WAITING! The government machine is soooo damn slow.
Ok talk to you guys later.
Well I don't know who you are but you filed a formal complaint against my wife because of her myspace page. You were "offended" at the content on her page. For the others of you that didn't file the complaint let me recap.
My wife is in a highly customer service related field where she is in contact with the public every day. She takes their snide remarks and sarcastic reparte day in and day out with a smile on her face and a "have a nice day". She works for a company that is a contractor to the government at a military base in the interior of Alaska. I am being vague because she asked me to. But if you have talked to me or her at all you know where we live.
Anyway she wrote a blog about something that happened to her at work one day. The situation was as follows, a man and woman came into her area of work and the man commented on my wifes necklace. It is a chain with a hand cuff at each end and the handcuffs lock onto each other in the front. She thanked him for his compliment and he further commented that she didn't have a wedding ring on...she pointed to the necklace and told him that was her wedding ring. He laughingly told the lady with him that he should get one for her and she retorted something to the effect of that will never happen. She then glared at my wife.
Now my wife didn't put everything I just put...she very generally referred to the situation so that the only people that would have recognized the encounter from what she wrote would be the people involved.
Why am I putting all this down you might ask? Well my wife was called in by the very top dog of where she works and asked...yes asked, to take the blog down. Not only was she asked to take the blog down, she was asked to remove from her myspace page any reference to the name of her employing company or the military base she works at.
She, at one time, very proudly displayed the name of the company she worked for because they aren't that bad of a company. Not any more...they do NOT want to be associated with her in any way, shape or form. She is an exemplary employee and recieves only the highest points on her evaluation. She has worked there almost 5 years and has been promoted three times to new departments every time.
I am fuming!! Not actually at the company, I understand why they are distancing themselves from her and her meeting with the big dog of the company she works for at the military base was very professional when he talked to her. My hat is off to him, I was glad to see that he handled it with as little disruption as possible.
I don't know who you are a pathetic excuse for a human being. You are an oxygen thief and I pray to God that your souless body has not procreated and brought forth more spawn just like you. (To those of you who know me well you know how hard it is not to use profanity or more descriptive derogatory phrases)
The stupid thing is if you had just taken her aside and told her that her blog and the reference to that one incident offended you she would have simply taken it down. She has no ill will to anyone, I dont' think she has a hateful bone in her body. She would have probably apologized and told you that she didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Now don't you feel stupid? But it simple highlights that removing the content of her blog was not your intent. Your black heart wanted her to pay for being so sunny and smiling and being nice to the man that was there with you. You were hoping that she would get disciplinary action or better yet you really wanted her fired. TRY AGAIN! She didnt' get in trouble, no letter of reprimand, no counseling, you know why? Because the company couldn't make her do that and they knew it. The top dog, in my honest belief was trying to placate your complaint but he was also trying to look out for my wife. Maybe I am all wrong but I think that he didn't want her to have any more problems with you.
I thought and thought and spent some of the day being very the point that I wanted to call you out. I wanted to taunt you until you came to me to tell me to shut up. But you pathetic excuse for a life is enough punishment for you. If you are reading this you will know now that my wife and I have been married for almost 21 years and we are more in love now than we were the day we were married. We have raised 3 very smart children that are all serving our country in the military, they have made us proud and there in not one thing that I would change about my wife or life.
She is my every thing, she has made me the man I am today.
I challenge you to take a look at yourself, to take a look at what was really in your heart when you filed that formal complaint against her. I bet you find dark ugliness. I bet you find things about yourself that you can't even admit to. I bet that if you were to really open the closets of your heart and mind up the garbage and despair that is in there would make you vomit....literally.
I pity you. You obviously having nothing better in your life than to try and hurt other people. You have no love and life inside you...Karma is coming for you and when you are adrift and wondering why nothing goes right in your life you just remember my remember the complaint you filed and you remember that she is happy, here with me and the kids, she is loved by her friends, she can't be touched by your hate and pain.
Yeah she took it down. She did what the company asked her to....but only because she is the person that she is.
If it had been me I would have told the company no thank you and then wrote another MORE detailed blog begging you to come after me with a lawsuit or whatever was next on your list. But that is the kind of person I am down in the dark parts of my heart....the difference is I KNOW how ugly I can be and I will pay for it some day.
Ok I can't hold back I said I wasn't going but I just can't help myself...if you are reading this and you filed that complaint come find me. You know who I can find me easily...try filing a complaint against me...try that same weak ass shit you pulled on her. Make yourself known....I would actually like to look in your face and laugh!!!!
Other than that life is good. I had an interview today for a job in CA and I will know within 30 days whether I got it. I HATE WAITING! The government machine is soooo damn slow.
Ok talk to you guys later.
Well I don't know who you are but you filed a formal complaint against my wife because of her myspace page. You were "offended" at the content on her page. For the others of you that didn't file the complaint let me recap.
My wife is in a highly customer service related field where she is in contact with the public every day. She takes their snide remarks and sarcastic reparte day in and day out with a smile on her face and a "have a nice day". She works for a company that is a contractor to the government at a military base in the interior of Alaska. I am being vague because she asked me to. But if you have talked to me or her at all you know where we live.
Anyway she wrote a blog about something that happened to her at work one day. The situation was as follows, a man and woman came into her area of work and the man commented on my wifes necklace. It is a chain with a hand cuff at each end and the handcuffs lock onto each other in the front. She thanked him for his compliment and he further commented that she didn't have a wedding ring on...she pointed to the necklace and told him that was her wedding ring. He laughingly told the lady with him that he should get one for her and she retorted something to the effect of that will never happen. She then glared at my wife.
Now my wife didn't put everything I just put...she very generally referred to the situation so that the only people that would have recognized the encounter from what she wrote would be the people involved.
Why am I putting all this down you might ask? Well my wife was called in by the very top dog of where she works and asked...yes asked, to take the blog down. Not only was she asked to take the blog down, she was asked to remove from her myspace page any reference to the name of her employing company or the military base she works at.
She, at one time, very proudly displayed the name of the company she worked for because they aren't that bad of a company. Not any more...they do NOT want to be associated with her in any way, shape or form. She is an exemplary employee and recieves only the highest points on her evaluation. She has worked there almost 5 years and has been promoted three times to new departments every time.
I am fuming!! Not actually at the company, I understand why they are distancing themselves from her and her meeting with the big dog of the company she works for at the military base was very professional when he talked to her. My hat is off to him, I was glad to see that he handled it with as little disruption as possible.
I don't know who you are a pathetic excuse for a human being. You are an oxygen thief and I pray to God that your souless body has not procreated and brought forth more spawn just like you. (To those of you who know me well you know how hard it is not to use profanity or more descriptive derogatory phrases)
The stupid thing is if you had just taken her aside and told her that her blog and the reference to that one incident offended you she would have simply taken it down. She has no ill will to anyone, I dont' think she has a hateful bone in her body. She would have probably apologized and told you that she didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Now don't you feel stupid? But it simple highlights that removing the content of her blog was not your intent. Your black heart wanted her to pay for being so sunny and smiling and being nice to the man that was there with you. You were hoping that she would get disciplinary action or better yet you really wanted her fired. TRY AGAIN! She didnt' get in trouble, no letter of reprimand, no counseling, you know why? Because the company couldn't make her do that and they knew it. The top dog, in my honest belief was trying to placate your complaint but he was also trying to look out for my wife. Maybe I am all wrong but I think that he didn't want her to have any more problems with you.
I thought and thought and spent some of the day being very the point that I wanted to call you out. I wanted to taunt you until you came to me to tell me to shut up. But you pathetic excuse for a life is enough punishment for you. If you are reading this you will know now that my wife and I have been married for almost 21 years and we are more in love now than we were the day we were married. We have raised 3 very smart children that are all serving our country in the military, they have made us proud and there in not one thing that I would change about my wife or life.
She is my every thing, she has made me the man I am today.
I challenge you to take a look at yourself, to take a look at what was really in your heart when you filed that formal complaint against her. I bet you find dark ugliness. I bet you find things about yourself that you can't even admit to. I bet that if you were to really open the closets of your heart and mind up the garbage and despair that is in there would make you vomit....literally.
I pity you. You obviously having nothing better in your life than to try and hurt other people. You have no love and life inside you...Karma is coming for you and when you are adrift and wondering why nothing goes right in your life you just remember my remember the complaint you filed and you remember that she is happy, here with me and the kids, she is loved by her friends, she can't be touched by your hate and pain.
Yeah she took it down. She did what the company asked her to....but only because she is the person that she is.
If it had been me I would have told the company no thank you and then wrote another MORE detailed blog begging you to come after me with a lawsuit or whatever was next on your list. But that is the kind of person I am down in the dark parts of my heart....the difference is I KNOW how ugly I can be and I will pay for it some day.
Ok I can't hold back I said I wasn't going but I just can't help myself...if you are reading this and you filed that complaint come find me. You know who I can find me easily...try filing a complaint against me...try that same weak ass shit you pulled on her. Make yourself known....I would actually like to look in your face and laugh!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Just stopping in to say Hi!