I was tagged by the ever sexy kitten Rosa! So here it goes.
7 Things to do before I die:
1. Travel South America
2. Travel to Australia
3. Own a Harley, one of the old ones.
4. Move to CO and start a commune with Rosa and her man.
5. Own a 70 Camaro SS
6. Build a house, from start to finish.
7. Play with my grandkids
7 Things I cannot do:
1. Sit down when then national anthem is played
2. Ski
3. Let injustice prevail
4. Save everyone....my brothers in blue will understand
5. Trophy hunt
6. Work on the newer cars....too many computers
7. See animals being abused/or mistreated and not do something about it.
7 Things that attract me to Alabama: (are you shittin' me, it's Alabama!)
1. School...went to the Corps of Engineers school in Huntsville
2. It isn't California
3. It is closer to South Carolina....where I would ultimately be headed.
4. The nice people.
5. Jack Daniels is only an hour away
6. Warmer weather...although it is sticky as well.
7. again...at least it's not California
7 Things I say most often:
1. Son of a motherless biscuit eater....kids are around
2. Ass munch....yelling at idiot drivers
3. What the fuck, chuck?
4. Dazee stop licking me and lay down.
5. What's his name, who does he hang with, where are you going, when will you be back, who are you going to be with, repeat the rules to me.....I have two daughters...18 and 16.
6. Improvise, adapt and overcome...complete the objective and finish the mission.
7. Hey baby lets get naked....
7 Books that I love:
1. Woodworking for dummies
2. The Raj
3. Rainbow Six
4. Playboy
5. Starship Troppers
6. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
7. The Screw tape letters
7 Seven movies I watch over & over again: (or would if I had time)
1. HeartBreak Ridge
2. Resevoir Dogs
3. Ice Age
4. Full Metal Jacket
5. Joanna's Angels.
6. Pay it Forward
7. Porno with tattooed, pierced women in it.
Well I hate to do it, but I gotta tag 7 other ppl....
~animated corpse
~Ms Kitty
7 Things to do before I die:
1. Travel South America
2. Travel to Australia
3. Own a Harley, one of the old ones.
4. Move to CO and start a commune with Rosa and her man.
5. Own a 70 Camaro SS
6. Build a house, from start to finish.
7. Play with my grandkids
7 Things I cannot do:
1. Sit down when then national anthem is played
2. Ski
3. Let injustice prevail
4. Save everyone....my brothers in blue will understand
5. Trophy hunt
6. Work on the newer cars....too many computers
7. See animals being abused/or mistreated and not do something about it.
7 Things that attract me to Alabama: (are you shittin' me, it's Alabama!)
1. School...went to the Corps of Engineers school in Huntsville
2. It isn't California
3. It is closer to South Carolina....where I would ultimately be headed.
4. The nice people.
5. Jack Daniels is only an hour away
6. Warmer weather...although it is sticky as well.
7. again...at least it's not California
7 Things I say most often:
1. Son of a motherless biscuit eater....kids are around
2. Ass munch....yelling at idiot drivers
3. What the fuck, chuck?
4. Dazee stop licking me and lay down.
5. What's his name, who does he hang with, where are you going, when will you be back, who are you going to be with, repeat the rules to me.....I have two daughters...18 and 16.
6. Improvise, adapt and overcome...complete the objective and finish the mission.
7. Hey baby lets get naked....
7 Books that I love:
1. Woodworking for dummies
2. The Raj
3. Rainbow Six
4. Playboy
5. Starship Troppers
6. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
7. The Screw tape letters
7 Seven movies I watch over & over again: (or would if I had time)
1. HeartBreak Ridge
2. Resevoir Dogs
3. Ice Age
4. Full Metal Jacket
5. Joanna's Angels.
6. Pay it Forward
7. Porno with tattooed, pierced women in it.
Well I hate to do it, but I gotta tag 7 other ppl....
~animated corpse
~Ms Kitty
Hey there, just wondering how you're doing? It's been a long time since we've seen you around. Thought I'd say Howdy though!
