You know just when I think things are falling apart, arcticminx reminds me what is important.
I didn't get the job on Yakima, I didn't get the job as the training director, I am losing my position. I literally have to reapply for my own job at less pay. A promotion MAYBE.
I was really fucked in the head over all this....ya know what? It's all bullshit anyway. I am not saying that in an angry "fuck the world" way. I just remembered that work is not my life it only pays for my life. I love being a cop, it is all I ever wanted to do since I was a kid, but my wife and family is what is really important to me.
I have a woman that adores me, ME. Can you beleive it? A really fuckin hot woman too! She has a great job and we have an awesome life.
My son is coming home for Christmas. He hasn't been shipped to Iraq yet because he is still in training.
My oldest daughter that is joining the Air Force Guard on monday, is very smart, beautiful and will make someone a good wife someday. She is going to get college completely paid for, my youngest daughter is healthy, smart and pretty.
Life is pretty fuckin great right now.
We are moving into a HUGE kickass apt that has a big garden spot outback. arcticminx and I have the upstairs bedroom which takes up the whole upstairs and has two decks and patio doors.
The main floor is all open and has a brand new kitchen.
I am pretty fuckin stoked.
You guys let me know what is shakin in your world.
I didn't get the job on Yakima, I didn't get the job as the training director, I am losing my position. I literally have to reapply for my own job at less pay. A promotion MAYBE.
I was really fucked in the head over all this....ya know what? It's all bullshit anyway. I am not saying that in an angry "fuck the world" way. I just remembered that work is not my life it only pays for my life. I love being a cop, it is all I ever wanted to do since I was a kid, but my wife and family is what is really important to me.
I have a woman that adores me, ME. Can you beleive it? A really fuckin hot woman too! She has a great job and we have an awesome life.
My son is coming home for Christmas. He hasn't been shipped to Iraq yet because he is still in training.
My oldest daughter that is joining the Air Force Guard on monday, is very smart, beautiful and will make someone a good wife someday. She is going to get college completely paid for, my youngest daughter is healthy, smart and pretty.
Life is pretty fuckin great right now.
We are moving into a HUGE kickass apt that has a big garden spot outback. arcticminx and I have the upstairs bedroom which takes up the whole upstairs and has two decks and patio doors.
The main floor is all open and has a brand new kitchen.
I am pretty fuckin stoked.
You guys let me know what is shakin in your world.
I'm so sorry to hear that love.
But, arcticminx is right...there are things that are definately more important in life. I have had to learn that the hard way. It is so hard for me to not have a "job" to contribute to the family. I have to remind myself often that right now my family is more important and I have come to cherish the time I get to spend with my son.

mulled wine is what we used to drink in the medievil times. kinda like hot red wine with loads of fruit and herbs and spices and cloves in it. I love it. think it may have sherry in it too. you must try some. can buy kits to make it from the 'off licenses' over here..