Well I got the paperwork in from the agency....they say I am over the limit as far as hearing loss in my left ear.
If a guy has been doing the same job for almost 20 years I would think that they would be a little lenient. I guess my depth perception is off too. I think the little gal that gave me the test fucked it up though. I have perfect depth perception!
When I got to range twice a year it has never bothered me.
I know, it's all that rock and roll I listen to, all the video games I play and all the kinky sex that I am constantly bombarded with!!!!
Anyway....if I can't meet standards we will be staying here until Cassi graduates (2 more years).
Ok I will stop whining now.....
Started a new work out program this morning and I am feeling every day of my old age. We are doing circuit training. We do 2 min intervals of each exercise and then 1 min rest. I am trying to get in the shape I need to be in to pass FLETC.
Sweet shit on a stick......it was kickin my ass this morning.
My partner was in the same sad fat old boat as me so I didn't feel so bad.
Well I registered for American History this term. I will have my history requirements done. Got my English all done a couple terms ago. Well on my way to being half way finished.
Take care everyone....
If a guy has been doing the same job for almost 20 years I would think that they would be a little lenient. I guess my depth perception is off too. I think the little gal that gave me the test fucked it up though. I have perfect depth perception!
When I got to range twice a year it has never bothered me.
I know, it's all that rock and roll I listen to, all the video games I play and all the kinky sex that I am constantly bombarded with!!!!

Anyway....if I can't meet standards we will be staying here until Cassi graduates (2 more years).
Ok I will stop whining now.....
Started a new work out program this morning and I am feeling every day of my old age. We are doing circuit training. We do 2 min intervals of each exercise and then 1 min rest. I am trying to get in the shape I need to be in to pass FLETC.
Sweet shit on a stick......it was kickin my ass this morning.

My partner was in the same sad fat old boat as me so I didn't feel so bad.

Well I registered for American History this term. I will have my history requirements done. Got my English all done a couple terms ago. Well on my way to being half way finished.
Take care everyone....
I need to start working out again. But, I'm in the same old fat boat too lol.