Found this gem on teh interwebz today.
Quoted from various threads:
What Have You Done to Ruin Halloween?
"I could use some good ideas on other ways to ruin Halloween. (No pins-in-apples or poisoned candy suggestions, please. I've already thought of that, but I don't want to go to jail for Jesus, again."
A Typical Halloween For A Goth
"Once people stop showing up at her house, the real fun begins. The goths will have something called a "LAN" party and play a video game called Doom (this being the official goth game) while listening to vile bands like The Cure. They will then have a wild sex orgy, which culminates in the sacrifice of all the good Christian children they abducted that night. They will then eat the hearts, which they will surely have garnished with a fine glaze of illegal drugs, and spend the rest of the night winding down with some more demon summoning, D&D and perverted sex acts."
What Do You Do if Your Daughter Refuses To Marry Her Rapist?
"You make it sound like this girl is a 'rape-victim'. Let's be clear here, the ONLY victim of rape is the man. He is the one who let this little temptress tease him into committing sin, and he is the one the courts victimize and throw into prison, when this girl was probably dressed as a whore and just asking to be raped. If girls didn't dress like prostitutes and sluts, poor men like this wouldnt fall into their trap. It's up to the girl to do the right thing, she obviously led this man on, and she should have to deal with the consequences. You play, you pay!"
This can't be serious right? Are people really this insane?
I agree with Pthalo, Wow. 

I can't wait to meet you in ATL!!!