I really should update this more often... I think I may have said this every blog post within the past 6 months. Nothing too new going on though... This semester I'm taking an introduction to web design class and I'm totally in love with it. Still getting the basics of HTML and have brushed the surface of CSS but I think it's going to be a really good class. Also, I read an interesting article in which I found this awesome quote about messy desks.
The messy desk is not necessarily a sign of disorganization. It may be a sign of complexity: those who deal with many unresolved ideas simultaneously cannot sort and file the papers on their desks, because they haven't yet sorted and filed the ideas in their head.
Any time anyone ever gives me shit for my massive disorganization issues, I'm going to point them to that article.
Besides school though, I've been spending my days with this little guy:

Isn't he sweet? Most of the time anyway... Sometimes he's real tough.

You know, I never thought I'd be one of those moms who boast and brag about her kids all day, showing them off at every change imaginable. But I am. And I do. I think that's just part of parenting I guess.
In other news, I got this dress from Pthalo the other day.

And the pattern up close,

Cute yes?
I'm looking to cut my hair. It's about shoulder length now but it's so damaged from bleaching it so many times it feels like straw and is really spongy. So, it's all getting chopped off. I've been browsing around for cuts but haven't found any I'm all that into yet. Anyone have any ideas? I get the chop Saturday. I don't care how short it is, as long as it isn't pixie short.
Well that's all for now, I think I'll make myself a nice big glass of wizzy and harass my husband for a while.
Also, after making a wishlist I have come to the conclusion that I hate wishlists. It's just a reminder of all the things I want but can't have!
PS. Doug is awesome. I think it's good genes.
The messy desk is not necessarily a sign of disorganization. It may be a sign of complexity: those who deal with many unresolved ideas simultaneously cannot sort and file the papers on their desks, because they haven't yet sorted and filed the ideas in their head.
Any time anyone ever gives me shit for my massive disorganization issues, I'm going to point them to that article.
Besides school though, I've been spending my days with this little guy:

Isn't he sweet? Most of the time anyway... Sometimes he's real tough.

You know, I never thought I'd be one of those moms who boast and brag about her kids all day, showing them off at every change imaginable. But I am. And I do. I think that's just part of parenting I guess.
In other news, I got this dress from Pthalo the other day.

And the pattern up close,

Cute yes?
I'm looking to cut my hair. It's about shoulder length now but it's so damaged from bleaching it so many times it feels like straw and is really spongy. So, it's all getting chopped off. I've been browsing around for cuts but haven't found any I'm all that into yet. Anyone have any ideas? I get the chop Saturday. I don't care how short it is, as long as it isn't pixie short.
Well that's all for now, I think I'll make myself a nice big glass of wizzy and harass my husband for a while.

Also, after making a wishlist I have come to the conclusion that I hate wishlists. It's just a reminder of all the things I want but can't have!
PS. Doug is awesome. I think it's good genes.

I remember you! Good to see you updating . 

I LOVE that little polo!