..and I'm now down to basically 2 piercings (I hardly count my ears). I had to bid farewell to my tongue piercing the night before last. Was hurting like a bitch and I ended up having to remove the barbell. Sigh. I miss it. Maybe now is the time to tell my mom I had it and laugh because it went unnoticed for that long.
The possible new home for the lovebirds fell through. I'd like to find them a new home but I'm not going to jump through hoops to do it, as the lady I was e-mailing back and forth with about them would have me do. I went as far as to knock the price down to the point that it would barely even cover what I spent on their new cage (and that's pretty much a fraction of what I've spent on them), then she has the nerve to tell me her husband convinced her not to take them but what ELSE could I do for her to convince her, i.e. deliver them to her or estimate the weekly cost of having them. So I basically told her to go fuck herself. Not in those words, naturally, but wow, just wow. I was hoping getting away from my job at BB&B would get me away from having to deal with nasty, selfish, idiot people. Definitely seems like the type, right at home in front of a counter bitching at a miserable cashier for not doing enough for her (AKA not taking 50 coupons for one item or something ridiculous of that nature). Either way, I think I'm going to end up taking them to Laki's Home Bird Rescue. They've been driving me nuts lately, and if I didn't know any better I'd say that since I've decided to get rid of them they've been trying very hard to do so.
Edited to add: I love David Bazan, and Adderall.
The possible new home for the lovebirds fell through. I'd like to find them a new home but I'm not going to jump through hoops to do it, as the lady I was e-mailing back and forth with about them would have me do. I went as far as to knock the price down to the point that it would barely even cover what I spent on their new cage (and that's pretty much a fraction of what I've spent on them), then she has the nerve to tell me her husband convinced her not to take them but what ELSE could I do for her to convince her, i.e. deliver them to her or estimate the weekly cost of having them. So I basically told her to go fuck herself. Not in those words, naturally, but wow, just wow. I was hoping getting away from my job at BB&B would get me away from having to deal with nasty, selfish, idiot people. Definitely seems like the type, right at home in front of a counter bitching at a miserable cashier for not doing enough for her (AKA not taking 50 coupons for one item or something ridiculous of that nature). Either way, I think I'm going to end up taking them to Laki's Home Bird Rescue. They've been driving me nuts lately, and if I didn't know any better I'd say that since I've decided to get rid of them they've been trying very hard to do so.
Edited to add: I love David Bazan, and Adderall.

Seems like you pissed those birdies off!!
If you do have a metal allergy, it's pretty mild. But it'd make sense if you've worn nothing but stainless steel jewelry.
http://wiki.bmezine.com/index.php/Metal_Allergy - What BMEZine's Encyclopedia has to say about it.