Ok so now that i know some people actually read this i am gonna have to try and be more interesting
so i did make it into Boston yesterday and found a kick ass action figure ( shameless self promotion ahead ) read about it in my thread on the lifestyles board
all my laundry got done . Hooray for non smelly clothes
finally found the SG chat
got callled into friggin work today which means i will miss the 2 pm update and have to wait 9 hrs in anticipation of who it will be
heres some trivia lets see how smart the people who read my journal are :
1. who hit the longest golf drive of all time and on what course?
2. can you name 5 actors/actresses that have starred in all 3 (or more) episodes of 2 different trilogys?
3.when is a door not a door? (ok its more of a riddle than trivia)
and lastly 4. who does the voice of Underdog
lets see some answers

so i did make it into Boston yesterday and found a kick ass action figure ( shameless self promotion ahead ) read about it in my thread on the lifestyles board
all my laundry got done . Hooray for non smelly clothes
finally found the SG chat

got callled into friggin work today which means i will miss the 2 pm update and have to wait 9 hrs in anticipation of who it will be

heres some trivia lets see how smart the people who read my journal are :
1. who hit the longest golf drive of all time and on what course?
2. can you name 5 actors/actresses that have starred in all 3 (or more) episodes of 2 different trilogys?
3.when is a door not a door? (ok its more of a riddle than trivia)
and lastly 4. who does the voice of Underdog
lets see some answers
C'mon!!! Give up the answers. Crikey!!!!
dude... your journal takes way too much effort.