Due to illness the Kings of Leon show has been rescheduled. That was a bit of a bummer. So I stay out at the bars. Had a few beers was careful not to get hammered, but I had enough that I wouldn't want to be pulled over either. So when my truck driving home on a major highway at bar close all of sudden lost power and died I was a bit worried. I made it over to the right shoulder and could not getting it to turn over. I ended up walking to an off ramp in a dangerous part of town. Cell phones are awesome! I called a cab and 30 minutes later I was falling asleep in my bed. This morning I had the truck towed to the shop. My timing belt broke and my serpentine belt needs to be replaced. With the repairs, tow, and cab fare I am out $550.00. Oh well, could have been worse. It could have happen while towing the boat.
More Blogs
Sunday Dec 30, 2007
Beautiful Agony -
Thursday Dec 27, 2007
This looks like an interesting website... at least the free preview l… -
Wednesday Dec 12, 2007
So today is exciting for me cause I came home to new gutters with lea… -
Wednesday Nov 28, 2007
I like a couple country songs- -
Tuesday Nov 27, 2007
So this song came out when my Dad was 24 and I remember him in his tw… -
Sunday Nov 18, 2007
Took a hot shower this morning! Big deal in my world right now. Thu… -
Saturday Nov 10, 2007
Kid Dakota [YOUTUBE] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUyWmfa… -
Sunday Nov 04, 2007
So I flew into LAX Sunday morning. Left Minneapolis and it was 32 de… -
Wednesday Oct 24, 2007
On Sunday I will be in LA. Not to fight fires if anybody was thinkin… -
Tuesday Oct 23, 2007
These bring me back to under age keg parties.
Believe you me, I am thisclose to packing my bags and heading up north. I can't take this nonsense!