I know I don't write a lot of blogs; I promise that I do try and have been trying to find some inspiration to write about something. But I do promise to try and keep this as positive as I can☺️❤️🙏
So, as so many of you know, right now America is the midst of a national decision that has left millions of individuals with an overwhelming sense of terror, disgust, confusion and anger which I haven't been able to avoid experiencing. These feelings have been intense; those close to me tell me 'to get over it," that, "the decision has been made and we are stuck with it.' While *i think* these feelings of mental chaos are starting to fade, I still find myself a little furious whenever customers come in for 'victory lunches or celebratory dinners,' but, I guess, that's the price I pay for being a liberal in an area that is dominated by individuals who are closed minded and think this new President will genuinely & persistently fight for their rights while lifting the restrictions on their unsustainable career choices. Buttttttttt, as the days have been going on I've been reminding myself **with a little help from my dad** that the only way this President-Elect will be successful with all of the things, he vows to seemingly just hit the delete button on, is to actually improve upon them. I say this because one can't just repeal Obama Care without creating a better system first or he will be pushing 23 million Americans back to being uninsured. The hate message that is consistently followed by the 'goal' to deport 14 million people while building a wall that Mexico will pay for? Yeah I'll believe it when I see it; seriously how is that a positive use of our tax dollars and who the fuck is going to agree to it? Plus, who is going to be in charge of investigating all 14 million illegal immigrants? The KKK isn't a federally funded organization; and may I remind you that 25-ish years ago the fucking Berlin Wall FINALLY CAME DOWN. **when i think about that fact my eyes nearly pop out of my fucking head** so likely hood of a fucking wall going up between the US and Mexico is extremely unlikely. As i continue slowly moving thought his 'contract between [he] and the American voter' it hit on renegotiating NAFTA, cancel payments to UN climate change program and roll back energy regulations to create more clean coal and other opportunities for unsustainable energy; which includes the continued development of the Keystone XL Pipeline ** which is just one more thing that will kill what is left of the land that belongs to 'we the people' and the tribes who's burial ground its will straight fuck up. And as I've been typing this all out I wonder if he realizes how long it actually takes to get ideas like this and that into action and passed. Again! You CANNOT just hit the delete button on regulations that have been passed; these documents aren't on a shared google docs file that he has suddenly been added as an editor to. But all in all, the shit he's been shouting into microphones to the uneducated bible belt are nothing more than empty promises.
In addition to his bullshit plan for his First 100 Days; this Snookie 2008-esque President-Elect has no experience in politics, and as Trevor Noah said, 'he is so privileged the only job he's ever applied for is to be the President of the United States,' like, does that shit not resonate with literally anyone? Ovbi this doesn't fucking matter, but in addition to his lack of experience he has around 75-ish open cases against him (14 of those 75-ish cases are women accusing him of sexual assault **ONE IS A 13 YEAR OLD**), plus the FBI investigation into his emails between Russia during his Presidential Campaign (**coughing**treason**coughing**), plus all the other shit I can't continue on about because I have to stop this eventually. But with all those, I guess tiny infractions against 'we the people,' acting as detractors to him actually achieving his empty promises I hope you can find some peace of mind. Know that he is now the problem of his affiliated party; these individuals made this infected oozing scab by allowing his bullshit and promoting that any other party was volatile to their message.
I promised positively so here's the positive side of this lil' rant... this fucking living carrot that had been hidden in your refrigerator drawer has revived the American Dream in my opinion. With literally no qualifications or experience for the position he has just been hired into the most important position in America. In the most disgusting way, he has said the right things to the right people and sold the bullshit spewing out of his mouth as gold. And that will be the face of our country for at least four years; so make those four years count. Educate yourself in politics & develop your own opinions so you can intelligently disagree with another human being's views on a specific topic. Learn how you can make the system work for you in the future by participating in local elections and smaller elections. Research the items and people listed on you ballot so you don't just raise taxes on cigarettes while the bill doesn't clearly explain where the money earned from the raised taxes will go. And finally don't fear defeat; give them hell. Ultimately what I'm saying is that it's okay to lie broken on your floor, dumping tears out and screaming WHY to the heavens. But do not let these feelings deny you the opportunity to grow and, more importantly, to teach and challenge others to become better, stronger and most importantly, intelligent.
I hope I didn't offend you. I just needed to get this out and I welcome any comments you might have. Plus we are about to be gifted with comedy gold in the forum of memes, apparel, youtube clips, TV and so much more for the next four-ish years; to which I say thank you America! for.
But Cheers, and feel free to comment your opinions. I will respect any intelligent debating!