It has been SO LONG since I've been on this site, I can't believe I'm still an active member! Come to think of it… why am I an active member? I wonder if someone gifted me a membership. If so, THANKS! xoxox
I forgot how many hours I could waste staring at photo set after photo set… Naked women everywhere! This site is awesome… why did I ever leave?!
Anyway, since it has been so epically long since I've been on here- I figured I'd post a more recent photo of myself. I have long hair again! And I'm blonde. Although I'm no longer quite this blonde, it's still pretty fun. I guess it's true what they say about blondes!
I feel a little lost now- I'm not sure who is still around, who remembers me, who I remember… but hopefully I'll get to "meet" a bunch of new people now that I'm back! (…Again.)