Thanks for the sweet thoughts! I ended up going home halfway through school today. My teacher's parting words were, "You look like hell." And as I was walking, a homeless guy saw me and offered me a dollar.
I must've looked really bad.
Anyway, I found out today that my latest set has been accepted to Member Review!
It should be coming out early March (I think the 3rd). I did this one over winter break and had a lot of fun with it- it's pretty different I think from my previous sets- way more cute and playful. I think another side of my personality shines through so hopefully it's one you all like! I'd still love to go pink, but I wonder if I'm just not the right look/personality. In any case, had a ton of fun shooting this one, and maybe the magic will happen this time around!
I must've looked really bad.

Anyway, I found out today that my latest set has been accepted to Member Review!

Your last set was good, except for the overly-soft quality (from the camera) of the photos. If the softness had not been there, it would've been better. You could become an SG, easily.
I read my mom that bit about the homeless guy, and she laughed! Ah, bad days.