Hi guys!
Thanks again for all the awesome comments on my set- I'm glad you liked it!
Cosmo school is turning out to be awesome- we jumped right in and started on hair color and highlighting. The only problem is I'm having trouble finding people who are willing to be my guinea pigs. My friends are mostly in the south bay and refuse to take a trip up to SF, and craigslist is turning out to be a dead end. Eh well, I'll figure it out!
Anyway, the main reason I'm blogging today is because I have (I think) a really funny story to share! So I went shopping on Labor Day with my mom at Gilroy, and I noticed the entire day that I was So. Unbelievably. Sore. Like, my ass, my inner thighs, etc... Every step was sort of intense. But I could NOT figure out why! I took a few days off running, so it wasn't due to exercise. I hadn't been wearing heels that recently, so it wasn't from that either.
Then, finally it hit me.
I had spent the last two days, almost exclusively, watching porn. My dad is out of the country, I'm home alone, and I just like to sit around naked and watch porn all day, apparently. And apparently, I had so many orgasms that my entire body was feeling it, days later.
It's never actually happened to me before- the orgasming until muscle soreness (as opposed to kitty soreness) on this level before. Sure, I've felt twinges- especially when I'm having co-op sex as opposed to solo sex, but it's never actually affected my ability to walk normally before.
Actually, thinking about it is sort of making me want to go watch some more. ha! I guess I haven't learned my lesson yet...
Thanks again for all the awesome comments on my set- I'm glad you liked it!

Cosmo school is turning out to be awesome- we jumped right in and started on hair color and highlighting. The only problem is I'm having trouble finding people who are willing to be my guinea pigs. My friends are mostly in the south bay and refuse to take a trip up to SF, and craigslist is turning out to be a dead end. Eh well, I'll figure it out!
Anyway, the main reason I'm blogging today is because I have (I think) a really funny story to share! So I went shopping on Labor Day with my mom at Gilroy, and I noticed the entire day that I was So. Unbelievably. Sore. Like, my ass, my inner thighs, etc... Every step was sort of intense. But I could NOT figure out why! I took a few days off running, so it wasn't due to exercise. I hadn't been wearing heels that recently, so it wasn't from that either.
Then, finally it hit me.
I had spent the last two days, almost exclusively, watching porn. My dad is out of the country, I'm home alone, and I just like to sit around naked and watch porn all day, apparently. And apparently, I had so many orgasms that my entire body was feeling it, days later.
It's never actually happened to me before- the orgasming until muscle soreness (as opposed to kitty soreness) on this level before. Sure, I've felt twinges- especially when I'm having co-op sex as opposed to solo sex, but it's never actually affected my ability to walk normally before.

Actually, thinking about it is sort of making me want to go watch some more. ha! I guess I haven't learned my lesson yet...

Don't know what to write, but I hope that you don't lost the verve into porn. 

Yeah, how come you are watching by yourself? Where is your better half? Well sounds like you had fun though.