Hello lovelies!
I actually feel a little sheepish posting again- I know I've said time and time again that I'd do better with blogging and posting and being involved on this site, and I haven't really done much at all... But this time there will be no false promises! (lol) I think I'm just not really cut out for regular blogging and such. In fact, I'm pretty gung ho about low tech, which is weird- considering I'm an Asian living in Silicon Valley. My goal now is just to update periodically on happy things in my life and hopefully make some friends and check out hott girrls on this site.
Since I've been away (:whatever
I've moved back from D.C. (which was quite the experience), am in the middle of some heavy summer traveling, and am gearing up to start Cosmetology school, which is hopefully the last career move I make in a long time. It turns out that I'm not exactly right for advertising, fashion design, accounting, or stripper- I've made it through 4-14 months of each before moving on. o.O
In any case, I'm going to keep the bar low for posts so that I'm not intimidated to write again soon- hope you all are having a great summer!! And staying cool. Or hot and sweaty. Whichever you prefer.

I actually feel a little sheepish posting again- I know I've said time and time again that I'd do better with blogging and posting and being involved on this site, and I haven't really done much at all... But this time there will be no false promises! (lol) I think I'm just not really cut out for regular blogging and such. In fact, I'm pretty gung ho about low tech, which is weird- considering I'm an Asian living in Silicon Valley. My goal now is just to update periodically on happy things in my life and hopefully make some friends and check out hott girrls on this site.
Since I've been away (:whatever

In any case, I'm going to keep the bar low for posts so that I'm not intimidated to write again soon- hope you all are having a great summer!! And staying cool. Or hot and sweaty. Whichever you prefer.

I know how you feel I'm really bad at posting blogs as well . I hope cosmetology school goes well for you