OK blah blah blah enough of that negative shit!
I want updates. Everyone needs to send me a msg/comment telling me what they've been up to. Tell me about your work day, love interest(s), hopes, dreams, nightmares (I have night-terrors haha weeeeeee!)
It's raining here again today. As if the tornados weren't enough hurray!
Oh, and it was pretty clear to me today that I have a caffeine addiction. No really haha stop laughing. I drink at least one coke by 11am every single day. But today I ran out and didn't feel like going out into the rain to the store. By 3pm I had a wicked migraine. I ate lunch and drank a diet coke (ew but it's all we had) and
....migraine gone. just like that.
So grrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaat. I'm officially hooked on cigarettes, caffeine, strawberry ensure (for weight gain) and anxiety meds (very mild low dose benzos that I rarely take) So if there were an apocalypse Id have to grab a shotgun and head straight to the pharmacy. I know what youre all thinkingum, wed all be heading to the pharmacy haha. But not many people would be in the herbal remedies section fighting off people and/or zombies away from their cases of Ensure.
So I just got Liberty City Stories. I fucking love it. I didnt like San Andreas as much as the rest, but I like that LCS (so far) is a combination of the games leading up to it. I like Tony. Vice City is my all time fave though.
Im still saving for the Resident Evil Chainsaw controller. When I get it, Ill be a shut in for at least a week solid. Ill be running around in front of my tv, in my bra and panties, waiving a chainsaw around over my head while screaming obscenities. Hahahaha dont worry Ill take pictures
I want updates. Everyone needs to send me a msg/comment telling me what they've been up to. Tell me about your work day, love interest(s), hopes, dreams, nightmares (I have night-terrors haha weeeeeee!)
It's raining here again today. As if the tornados weren't enough hurray!
Oh, and it was pretty clear to me today that I have a caffeine addiction. No really haha stop laughing. I drink at least one coke by 11am every single day. But today I ran out and didn't feel like going out into the rain to the store. By 3pm I had a wicked migraine. I ate lunch and drank a diet coke (ew but it's all we had) and
....migraine gone. just like that.
So grrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaat. I'm officially hooked on cigarettes, caffeine, strawberry ensure (for weight gain) and anxiety meds (very mild low dose benzos that I rarely take) So if there were an apocalypse Id have to grab a shotgun and head straight to the pharmacy. I know what youre all thinkingum, wed all be heading to the pharmacy haha. But not many people would be in the herbal remedies section fighting off people and/or zombies away from their cases of Ensure.
So I just got Liberty City Stories. I fucking love it. I didnt like San Andreas as much as the rest, but I like that LCS (so far) is a combination of the games leading up to it. I like Tony. Vice City is my all time fave though.
Im still saving for the Resident Evil Chainsaw controller. When I get it, Ill be a shut in for at least a week solid. Ill be running around in front of my tv, in my bra and panties, waiving a chainsaw around over my head while screaming obscenities. Hahahaha dont worry Ill take pictures

I am... doing little of interest. Went to a salsa club last night because it was someone's birthday. I stunned the girls behind the bar with the amount of vodka & orange I drank and met a girl with a body I wouldn't mind abusing. But... too hot. Too many people. I spent most of the night propping up the wall under the air conditioner.
Besides that, it's the usual eating, sleeping, wanking, computer...ing. And watching the entire original Star Trek series over the course of a fortnight or so.