You are sooo cute Miss Minkos!
What's the cat's name? He looks like a nice big old gentleman pussy-cat
Lovely yhe doc was so good to you. Should be the rule, rather than the exception!
What's with your work? Sucks for you. Want me to sort 'em out with my super-tough girl posse of!!
Glad you had a day off xxx
I found this website for bullet bra's!!!!
I've been on a 3 yr mission to find them..
I have finally found a company that makes them!!!!
However.. I do not own a credit card!
well.... dolly and ...arent we all just islands in the stream?
best kenny song? his first band... THE FIRST EDITION did a great song called "just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in" it was in the freak out scene in THE BIG LEBOWSKI.
now... bowie? hell yes... best song? hang on to yourself.
I'm back!
Thanks to a special Mister!
wink wink
so I have alot to update!
Lately I've been trying to keep busy..
Me and Mr.Mink went to see Searching for the wrong eyed Jesus at the cinema.. Everyone should go and see this film..
It's very beautiful and the music is fucking amazing..
I went to Korova later that night and bumped into LemonKid..... Read More