Maybe now it's clear why I moved here, yes?
These fuckers know how to party. Krito and I share the same birthday and she had recently moved to Buenos Aires also. So we decided it would be fun to throw a party together. We each invited a bunch of people we knew and fuckin a it was incredible. As you can clearly see by the photos.
In all we had people from eight different countries in attendance. Loads of Argentinians, of course, Krito, and a few others from Colombia, Paprika and her boyfriend from Uruguay, Liu's boyfriend and his friend from England, some of Krito's co workers from Peru, Spica from Brazil, and Talena and others from Chile. And me from the States. It was like a freakin United Nations party. It was a great way to be welcomed to my new home.
My first weekend in Buenos Aires went a little something like this...
la mejor fiesta amigo!