I have a new phone, so if you need to reach me I'm up and running, same number. Also my old phone was found and will be returned to me by mail, so I didn't lose any important numbers after all. What a fucking relief.
Camping was... ...if you missed it, you'll never know how good it was. That's all I can say. I loved every second of it and I had a great staff to help make it a reality. The sheer number of dirty, exhausted, and yet still smiling faces on Sunday morning was worth every bit of effort we put into making this thing happen.
It was my last year running the group and it went out with a bang. I have every bit of confidence that 666Irish will carry on the traditions we've created without fail. He's just as determined as I am when it comes to making events unique and memorable.
I met a bunch of new people that I just knew as soon as I met them they would be added to the ever growing list of great friends I have made here on SG. Boston people expect a visit soon. Philly, I can throw a rock an hit you from my house, so you know I'll be in town in the near future. And, of course, you all are welcome to come visit "casa minimal" anytime. The stove's always making something or other to eat. And the bar stays stocked at all times.
Thank you to everyone that attended.
Camping was... ...if you missed it, you'll never know how good it was. That's all I can say. I loved every second of it and I had a great staff to help make it a reality. The sheer number of dirty, exhausted, and yet still smiling faces on Sunday morning was worth every bit of effort we put into making this thing happen.
It was my last year running the group and it went out with a bang. I have every bit of confidence that 666Irish will carry on the traditions we've created without fail. He's just as determined as I am when it comes to making events unique and memorable.
I met a bunch of new people that I just knew as soon as I met them they would be added to the ever growing list of great friends I have made here on SG. Boston people expect a visit soon. Philly, I can throw a rock an hit you from my house, so you know I'll be in town in the near future. And, of course, you all are welcome to come visit "casa minimal" anytime. The stove's always making something or other to eat. And the bar stays stocked at all times.
Thank you to everyone that attended.
They don't serve beer there anymore. No more PBRs.